Our interview with Event Concept
We visited Ben Krebs from Event Concept to talk all things monday.com and how the project management platform has improved their business operations. Read the full interview between Event Concept’s Head of Production, Ben Krebs, and enable.services’ Customer Success Manager, Amira Fitzpatrck, to learn how the events company uses monday.com to manage projects and internal processes.
About Event Concept

To start off, I'd love to know about Event Concept and its history. What is the company’s story?
Event Concept is a creative agency and a production company. Our real USP is that we combine agency thinking and production under one roof. We really value the shared experiences that events are and we like to make extraordinary experiences everlasting.
We started as a lighting company 30 years ago. We’ve grown quite holistically with what our clients have needed from us, sowe grew as a technical provider with a lighting department, audio and video department. We have now got a scenic workshop with full fabrication capabilities, an in-house florist with our sister company, Veevers Carter, and more recently, we’ve had a shift in our positioning. We are now acknowledging the fact that what our clients are asking of us is for a lot more strategic thinking. So, that’s really how we have got to where we are as an agency and a production company.
Tell us more about your role.
As head of production, I’m responsible for looking after the delivery of some of our most complex projects, whether that is at home, here in the UK or internationally.
And that includes getting some boots on the ground and still doing some work myself, but predominantly looking after our teams of production managers, whose role really is to be the glue that ties a project team together and knits all of that on a project.
Getting started with monday.com

How did you initially come to the conclusion that you needed something like monday.com?
Us making the decision to move to monday.com really was to solve a problem where we had a real lack of visibility in the technical department. So, this is in my previous role I had here at the company as a Technical Project Manager.
Requests from our client services team for jobs to be quoted and have kit lists generated went to one centralized shared email that people would then pick up and you’d have replies filling people’s inboxes of, “I’ll do this, I’ll do that.”
[After adopting monday.com] It was quite a simple process at the start. It was a monday.com form that went through with a list of requirements per department and people would assign themselves to that. That process is now actually tied into our CRM. It comes directly from there. That is how we started.
Which departments use monday.com in your company?
For us, monday.com sits across all departments from sales, project management, internal operations and facilities, our creative team and all of our warehouse and workshop teams use it as well.

How has monday.com has helped the business?
monday.com has enabled us to grow the scope of projects that we deliver. So, whether that is larger projects, more complex projects, working with larger internal teams, being able to hand things over more succinctly through really well-documented work or collaborating with client teams and external partners.
What are your top three favourite monday.com features?
- Definitely automations and integrations. monday.com ties together a huge amount of third-party services for us, which lets us have a really clear sales order process from CRM stage and inquiry stage through to the scoping, quotation phase, and then delivery. It also ties into logistics, transport and risk assessment systems.
- The sharing feature. monday.com lets us share project plans with freelancers and clients, letting us scale our teams that way, making sure that information is really transparent.
- The platform acts as a really agile database. We use monday to store data such as freelancer information, all of our records that we are required to hold for all our ISO accreditations and everything that’s really important for us from a client perspective.
Working with enable.services

What has your experience been like working with enable.services as a monday.com partner?
Working with enable.services is great. What’s really good is the speed of responses and how flexible they are with our account in terms of our number of seats required. They’re able to facilitate conversations with monday.com around feature sets, the features that would benefit the company and our processes.
One of the other things that’s been great about enable is how open they are when talking about our entire tech stack across the company to see where we could make savings by increasing our usage of certain products like monday.com. They understand how unique we are as a business in terms of our requirements and really try to work with that.
Watch the full interview
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