Simon Langham staff photo

Hi, I'm Simon.

Software Developer

I’m one of the senior* developers here in the engine room at I spend most of my day creating code to customise Sugar, analysing customer data, performing data migrations and building integrations in both php and tools like

* By senior I mean I’m old, not that I’m better than the other developers (for clarity). That said, I’ve been working in development for over 30 years now, so maybe I’ve picked up a thing or two about how this all works.


I have a problem with books. No, really. Each year I try to read an A-Z of books and still have more coming into the house than going out. So much so I’ve begun planning books five years into the future.

I also love music. It’s not just a generic statement added to my bio because I couldn’t think of anything to say either. Spotify, CD’s or the racks of Vinyl I have at home; whatever the format, I love to listen to it. My only other real hobby (sort of) is podcasting, but that’s been very much on the back burner of late due to various factors.

Obviously, the other generic bio items apply. Spending time with family and friends is important to me, when I have time, and I’m beginning to get a travel bug as well, albeit late in life. So yeah, that’s me. Hi!

Professional Skills​

Software Development
Being pedantic about people's code (only other people's)